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Thursday, January 22, 2015

Video Game Geek

DMC Definitive looks awesome! Although I've already got it for the 360, but I don't have all of the dlc that comes with it, so that's my excuse.

God Eater 2 is looking pretty damn sweet also! Loved everything about the 1st, which I've gotta get back on so I can finish it in time for this one!

And while we're on the topic of upcoming games...

When Street Fighter V drops, I'll probably disappear from all human life for about 3-6 months!  Check out this interview over at Polygon with Capcom Corporate Officer Yoshinori Ono, where he says, "It really was an uphill battle..." within his efforts in trying to revive Street Fighter back in 2004, and some updates on the up and coming SF5:

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