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Monday, January 19, 2015

Evil Residents

Just took a stop over at (check the vid above if you're curious) for their review on the new remaster of the twenty year old title "Resident Evil" which I was happy to see it received an awesome score! Of course I'll share my own opinion after I pick up the game for myself, but I can't imagine the father of the survival horror videogame genre sucking that much after an hd rehash for next gen systems. Onimusha immediately comes to mind when I think of other Capcom titles I'd like to see receiving the same treatment.


 After Resident Evil this was my second favorite survival horror series.


 There's something unique and fresh about using the Samurai time period in Japan as the setting for a horror story. I remember feeling the same dread from resident evil at times, but then a strength in knowing to facts: 1) I'm a bad ass Samurai 2) I'm a bad ass Samurai that can use the demon's own power to transform my weapons, and eventually myself into a beast more powerful than my enemy.

 I don't wanna go on and on about this like it's a Christmas wish list to Santa, so I'm done for now.


 Yes that is Jean Reno featured as a character in the 3rd and most epic part of the series! In fact, one of the coolest things about the Onimusha trilogy is that each of its protagonists are all established well known Japanese actors. Definitely ahead of the game seeing that the first Onimusha dropped back in 2001, the 2nd (my favorite) in 2002, and the 3rd and most epic of the 3 in 2004. A title I would gladly return to, even if I've gotta reclaim a PS2.


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